The Best Free “Books of the Bible” Memory Song for Kids

Books of the Bible song

Use This Simple, Catchy Song to Memorize the Books of the Bible Fast

Five years ago, we memorized the books of the Bible using a simple, but catchy, song I found on YouTube. My kids and I still rehearse this song in our heads every time we need to find a book of the Bible.

Do you know, I’ve been a Christian since childhood and I didn’t memorize the order of the books of the Bible until I taught this song to my kids? When my pastor read scriptures in books that I was less familiar with (like Obadiah and Haggai), I flipped through the pages, hoping to stumble onto the right spot.

Now, I just run through this song in my mind and I can quickly find any book in the Bible.

books of the BIble song

There are a lot of songs on YouTube with brightly-colored animations or kids excitedly jumping around on the screen. But in order to commit a song to memory, you have to play it over and over. And, honestly, most of the other books of the Bible songs we found gave me a headache were hard for me to listen to more than once.

This song is just a guy with a guitar playing a simple, catchy tune. But the more I listened to it, the more I liked it. Sometimes, simple is best. Here it is:

Related Reading: The Best Free Family Bible Study App

I hope your kids (and you) will enjoy learning this memory song as much as we have!

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